How to Deduct Medicare as a Business Expense?
Premiums for Medicare health insurance can add up to a substantial sum. That’s especially true if: you have a high income, and you’re married and both you and your spouse are paying premiums.
Premiums for Medicare health insurance can add up to a substantial sum. That’s especially true if: you have a high income, and you’re married and both you and your spouse are paying premiums.
Dear GP CPA Client: We are wrapping up the Company’s tax returns and would like to make you aware of an option that the Company is eligible to make based on the new tax laws passed in 2017.
At GP CPA, we work with several clients in the automotive field, from classic car restorations to rebuilding transmissions, this part of the economy has been stable for a while.
One of the key elements of the case against Mr. Manafort is the lack of proper reporting of foreign income or control over foreign bank accounts.